GROW At Work Employee Engagement Programme

GIY’s GROW At Work programme is a 12-week food growing & sustainability programme. It’s a practical and impactful programme designed for organisations committed to advancing a sustainability agenda, where employees can lead as sustainability ambassadors within their organisation. 


  • Receive a starter growing kit (12 veg) – that contains a selection of seeds and everything they need to start their growing journey.
  • Access to an Online Course – a 12-week step-by-step growing on demand programme to ensure successful growing at home/in the office.
  • Exclusive Food Sustainability 101 Programme (10 modules).
  • Receive weekly emails over a 12-week period, providing tips on growing their veg, as well as sustainability challenges – such as cook a zero waste meal, make a water butt, and more tips & tricks.
  • Invitation to join GIY’s monthly webinars where seasonal topics and themes are discussed with growing and sustainability experts.


  • Coached Grower Training Course for a super-user group of growers.
  • 4-week intensive programme to develop growing expertise to support employees growing.

Optional Add Ons:

  • GROW At Work Kit
    • 4x Veg planters or trugs
    • 12x Seeds & Soil
    • Planting Plans and Resources


Part of this programme – Food Sustainability (FS) 101, was developed with the help of Change By Degrees.


Our GROW At Work programme consists of these elements:

How Food Grows GROWBox


GROW At Work begins with a GROWBox – a food growing starter kit for hands-on participation, enabling employees to get a deep understanding of sustainable food production and “food empathy”.

12-Week On Demand Programme

Employees can access a 12-week on demand programme, with easy step-by-step instructions to ensure successful growing.

Weekly Emails

Employees will receive weekly emails over the 12-week period, providing tips on growing their veg as well as sustainability challenges.

Food Sustainability 101 Programme (10 modules)

Unique food sustainability programme available to your employees, to learn how to be an environmentally
conscious grower & consumer where employees will learn about key food system themes & PEBs.

Growing Ambassadors

Create a cohort of employee ‘super user’ food growing experts. These employees will take part in a 4-week intensive programme to develop growing expertise to to lead & support your employees & office growing into the future.

GIY Monthly Webinar

Join GIY’s ‘In The Veg Patch’ live webinars and get seasonal tips & tricks from growing experts.

Office Growing (Optional Add On)

Extend your office growing with an additional add on for your outdoor office spaces.
This includes:
4x Veg planters or trugs
12x Seeds & Soil
Planting Plans and Resources

Get In Touch

For more information about any of our Corporate Wellness and Sustainability Programme offers, please contact our Director of Development, Nell Ward: