In this episode of Food Done Right, Mick Kelly hosts a panel discussion on practical ways to get children interested in growing their own food. Mick is joined by Lilly Higgins, a food writer, chef and photographer, and Deirdre Doyle from the Cool Food School.

GIY are proud to align our mission, vision and impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In response to the urgency of the climate crisis, and in line with the UN Decade of Action, our ambition at GIY is to inspire 100 million people around the world to grow some of their own food by 2030.

Listen to The Food Matters Podcast on the platforms below:

In this episode

Mick Kelly, Lilly Higgins, AND Deirdre Doyle chat about:
  • How to inspire children to connect with their food.
  • How to engage them both at home and in school.
  • The lack of food education in schools, particularly in disadvantaged areas where children may not have the opportunity to learn about food at home.

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