From the promotion of rewilding to protecting pollinators, our actions to combat the biodiversity crisis are proving successful. But what else can we do? How can we encourage more of these effective actions and make them the norm rather than the exception?

GIY are proud to align our mission, vision and impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In response to the urgency of the climate crisis, and in line with the UN Decade of Action, our ambition at GIY is to inspire 100 million people around the world to grow some of their own food by 2030.

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In this episode

Mick Kelly, Padraic Fogarty, Ray Ó Foghlú, and Steve Collins chat about:
  • Padraic Fogarty: Ecologist and Environmental Scientist and Chair with Irish Wildlife Trust. Padraic is editor of the Irish Wildlife Magazine and also author of Whittled Away, 2017.
  • Ray Ó Foghlú: Working with An Taisce in community engagement, Ray is a Nuffield Scholar from 2021, who studied the acquiring of social licence to increase tree cover in the Irish Landscape.
  • Steve Collins: Medical Doctor, with a PhD in Nutrition. He won a MB for his Humanitarian work in Africa and had recently returned to Ireland and is now growing Aronia Berries on a mountainside in West Cork.

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