Most of us have grown up learning that bugs and bacteria are bad, but did you know that our bodies are packed full of little microbes that are working day and night to keep us healthy and happy? Collectively, we call this the microbiome, and the better we take care of it, the better it can take care of us.

Dr Rebecca O’ Mahony of BiomiCare is one of Ireland’s leading experts on the microbiome and what we need to do to ensure that it is performing at its best.

GIY are proud to align our mission, vision and impact with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In response to the urgency of the climate crisis, and in line with the UN Decade of Action, our ambition at GIY is to inspire 100 million people around the world to grow some of their own food by 2030.

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In this episode

Mick Kelly and Dr Rebecca O’ Mahony chat about:
  • What exactly the microbiome is, how it works, and why it plays such a central role in our everyday lives.
  • What inspired her to set up BiomiCare – a company that analyses how well our microbiome is performing and provides advice on how to help it to work better.
  • The foods and drinks we shoud be consuming to make our gut happy and healthy.
  • The role that our microbiome plays in sport and exercise.
  • Rebecca’s own relationship with food – what do the experts eat?

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