HQ Homemade Chocolate Beetroot Brownies

Beetroot is not just a health food, salad or juice ingredient, this naturally sweet veg is perfect for desserts. The star veg from GROW COOK EAT episode 4, matches beautifully with chocolate to create the perfect brownie


  • 150g grated cooked beetroot
  • 150g butter
  • 150g dark chocolate chips
  • 2 eggs
  • 150g sugar
  • 90g flour
  • 30g flax, sesame or pumpkin seeds

Step 1 - Cook

Melt the chocolate and the butter in a plastic bowl in the microwave on low power or in a mixing bowl over a pot of boiling water (called a ‘bainmarie’). Whisk the eggs with the sugar in a second mixing bowl for 3 minutes. Incorporate the melted chocolate mix in the egg mix. Fold in the sieved flour then fold in the grated cooked beetroots. Pour the brownie mix in a greased baking pan (approx. 22cmx22cm). Sprinkle the seeds over the top and baked at 160℃ for 35min.

Step 2 - Serve

Serve while still warm, with a scoop of ice-cream.


  • 150g grated cooked beetroot
  • 150g butter
  • 150g dark chocolate chips
  • 2 eggs
  • 150g sugar
  • 90g flour
  • 30g flax, sesame or pumpkin seeds

Step 1 - Cook

Melt the chocolate and the butter in a plastic bowl in the microwave on low power or in a mixing bowl over a pot of boiling water (called a ‘bainmarie’). Whisk the eggs with the sugar in a second mixing bowl for 3 minutes. Incorporate the melted chocolate mix in the egg mix. Fold in the sieved flour then fold in the grated cooked beetroots. Pour the brownie mix in a greased baking pan (approx. 22cmx22cm). Sprinkle the seeds over the top and baked at 160℃ for 35min.

Step 2 - Serve

Serve while still warm, with a scoop of ice-cream.